$100.00 USD

Typed Reading

Typed Reading Sent via PDF 

What you receive: 

  • 4-6 Page Reading
  • Downloadable PDF
  • Pick from whatever category you desire.
  • Energy cleansing for the entirety of your reading
  • Hear new messages and support even months later!  

Be sure to put the email address you want the reading sent to and subscribe to the email list.  

A few examples of the types of readings available are, general reading/advice, meet your guides, subconscious beliefs, year ahead, love/relationships, galactic federation of light advice, future self, past lives, past lives on other planets.
Pick one category for this length reading or two short categories.
No Medical or Legal Questions
I am not a licensed physician. Please use your discernment and personal judgment when receiving reading. No refunds for any reason. 
Please note readings will be sent in 7-21 business days. Business days inside Home for the Healer is Tuesday-Friday. 
Trust it will come in perfect timing!